Friday 3 December 2010

No.3. They're here.


It was a late night with a delayed flight but the kids Granny, Poppa and cousin Jake finally arrived here on Norfolk Island late last night.

So after a big sleep in his morning (and a day off school for Ted) We got to 'hang out' with the grandparents.
Sienna had her swimming lesson, so we all went along to watch her.

It was a lovely surprise to see swimming teacher Suzanne's trees all decorated with baubles.

I love her house and gardens, she has amazing style and really embraces the Island life, she teaches the Norfolk language to Teddy at school.

Here is go-getter Suzanne's blog

and her daughter Reevie's too

This is a gorgeous picture I took of Suzanne's poinciana tree decorated for Christmas, It is situated near her roadside cattle grid to keep the wandering cattle of Norfolk Island out of her yard.

Very Norfolk!

Tonight Mary and Bernie generously invited all the family together to have a pot luck family dinner at Devon House.
Nobody does Pot luck as well as Norfolk Islanders, everyone is so inventive and resourceful to use whatever is in season at that particular time.
Basil the lap dwelling cat was put away for dinner, but kept a close eye on the food this left free laps for Digby who cose Mums for an after dinner cuddle.

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