Sunday 16 December 2007

through the swirling mists

I had a wonderful time, as did Teddy and Sienna with my niece Alyssa and my Mum(Granny) here with us on Norfolk Island for 2 weeks, we went driving and sight seeing around the many scenic roads and bays here as well as snorkeling down the beach, and when I was working, they also went sight seeing. Even after 2 weeks, there was still some areas that they didn't get to, Well, you have to leave something for next time.

The weather was more spring than summer, with cooler evenings and an odd cooler day, but on the last few days of their trip, we experienced a most bizarre weather change.

It was like the whole Island was enveloped in a giant cloud, the mists had rolled in and made most Norfolk landmarks disappear.

Everyone knows here, that if you cant see Mount Pitt and Mount Bates, then the planes won't be coming in to land or taking off, So on the day of Mum and Lyss' departure when the mountain became invisible and the plane was delayed, we decided to drive up the Mountain to see, and we couldn't see.

We took similar photos to the beginning of their holiday when you could see forever, so you could compare the difference, it was quite an amazing and eerie experience.

They did get to the airport and checked in 12 hours later than expected, and we said our goodbyes, But as they were sitting on the plane ready to taxi down the runway, the mists reappeared and were rolling in thicker and faster than ever, those of us who stayed to wave our farewells to the plane were willing it to get going quickly before it became to hard to see, or else disembark the passengers, it was a bit fraidy.

The take off down he runway at 9pm had the plane's flashing lights reflecting off the clouds, but just as the wheels left the tarmac, they really did disappear into thin (or thick) air.

It was sad to see them go, but glad they did get to the Sunshine coast safely for my niece Olivia's 1st Birthday.

It all reminded me of another strange weather day that we had at the beginning of September which was a one off.
The low cloud turned our normally bright and cheerful gardens at Fletcher Christian apartments into a dull grey landscape.

Knowing that no one would be at Emily bay, Clayton, who works with Brandt, and a few of his mates took their jet ski out with their wakeboards to zoom around the bay and coral reefs of Slaughter bay.

The weather here recently has kept us guessing, given the locals something to talk about and certainly keeps life interesting.

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